Collection: TO'CA for Men

After 30 years working as a bespoke milliner Tara O'Callaghan Millinery has launched TO'CA for Men, a diffusion collection of ready-to-wear hat styles, offering her beautifully hand crafted designs in classic styles. 

Whether you are looking for a Fedora, Panama or Trilby we have hats to suit all.

 “Wearing a hat versus not wearing a hat is the difference between looking adequate and looking your best” - Martha Sliter 

  • "We enjoyed a wonderful day at the races. My hat was much admired and I have to admit I felt wonderful.

    Thank you so very much."

    - C Lord

  • "Many thanks for all your enthusiasm and talent. My hat had a wonderful outing yesterday. My family all loved the hat and the nice girl who welcomed me inside the Palace said, almost despite herself, "That's a very good hat." Remembering she sees many, I knew she was impressed."

    - C Jay

  • "I am really thrilled with my hat and had so many compliments.

    I cannot get over how clever you were when we had the somewhat rushed half hour of decision making which without a further fitting, you turned into such a wonderful creation. Fantastic!"

    - Jane G